Nathan K.Lessons From the Docs — Stripe APIWorking with the Stripe API as a front-end web developer brings its own set of questions. The API is vast and contains its own nuances and…Dec 11, 2022Dec 11, 2022
Nathan K.Displaying Surface Operators in TouchdesignerWhen learning Touchdesigner, most spend a good amount of time on learning the platform and its operator families. Each operator family…Dec 8, 2021Dec 8, 2021
Nathan K.inJavaScript in Plain EnglishIntroduction to Raycasting in Three.js“Ray casting is the use of ray–surface intersection tests to solve a variety of problems in 3D computer graphics and computational…May 18, 20212May 18, 20212
Nathan K.inLevel Up CodingVisually Mapping out 3D with Three.jsEvery developer has their favorite tools, languages, and technologies to work with. Sometimes it derives from another passion such as…Aug 7, 2020Aug 7, 2020
Nathan K.Creating an Object Using Constructors in JavaScriptThere are many ways to create objects in JavaScript. One way is to create a blueprint before actually building your objects. Lets put this…Jan 17, 2020Jan 17, 2020
Nathan K.inThe StartupUsing the SVG feTurbulence Filter for Wave EffectsThe front-end development space is nothing short of electrifying. It feels like every other week I find a tool, methodology or framework…Jan 10, 20201Jan 10, 20201